Gastvortrag von Kim Fortun: „Late Industrial Ethnography Redoubled – From Politics to Methods and back“

Das Seminar für Ethnologie der MLU lädt zu einer öffentlichen Vorlesung von Kim Fortun (University of California, Irvine), am Mittwoch, den 14. Juni, um 16:15 Uhr, im Seminarraum des Max-Planck-Instituts für ethnologische Forschung, Advokatenweg 36 in Halle. Fortun spricht zu “Late Industrial Ethnography Redoubled – Form Politics to Methods and back”

Sie ist Direktorin des EcoGovlab und Professorin für Anthropologie an der University of California, Irvine. Ihre Forschungs- und Lehrschwerpunkte sind Umweltgesundheit, Ungerechtigkeit und Katastrophen; experimentelle ethnografische Methoden; und die Poetik und Politik der Dateninfrastruktur.

Ihren Vortrag ordnet sie wie folgendermaßen ein:

"´Late industrialism´ points to both a historical period (since the mid- 1980s) and an analytic framework that draws out ways environmental hazards, vulnerabilities, and injustices are produced through tight coupling of historically sedimented socio-technical, political-economic, eco-atmospheric, cultural and discursive systems. I began to puzzle through these couplings about a decade ago, concerned about what it meant to "Remember Bhopal" 30 years after the historic toxic gas disaster in India (where I began my research career); 30 years into the environmental justice movement. In this presentation, I'll share how the world and my framing have developed since, implicating how I practice, teach and work to infrastructure ethnographic research. I'll also share and invite participation in diverse, experimental ethnographic projects."